Message to all clients of Port of Varna EAD
Message to all clients of Port of Varna EAD
The Board of Directors of "Port of Varna" EAD approved the new Terms and prices of the services provided by "Port Varna" EAD, which enters into force on 01.01.2023.
The full version will be visible on, in section "For Customers" on 10.12.2022. You can get preliminary information from the "Marketing" department – phone: 052/ 692521 and email: marketing@port
Two new Large Tonnage Wheel Loaders of Port Varna EAD set foot on the work sites
Two new Large Tonnage Wheel Loaders of Port Varna EAD set foot on the work sites
Port of Varna lit up in blue and green on International Maritime Day - September 29
Port of Varna lit up in blue and green on International Maritime Day - September 29
Port of Varna lit up in blue and green on International Maritime Day - September 29
"Port of Varna" EAD joined the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in celebrating the International Maritime Day. This year's theme – New Technologies for Greener Shipping – highlights the significant need to protect and preserve the environment. Technological innovation and the global introduction of alternative fuels and energy sources for international shipping are key to achieving this ambition. To recognize the importance of tackling climate change, Port of Varna EAD has joined other institutions around the world in lighting iconic places and buildings in blue and green.
The Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization launched an initiative on International Maritime Day to illuminate the IMO building and the Seafarer's Memorial in blue, as well as other iconic landmarks around the world. Since then, the initiative has been adopted as an annual symbolic effort to unite the maritime community every September 29 and raise awareness of the vital contribution of shipping to the world.
We bring you some nighttime shots of the illuminated sites in the harbor for you to enjoy.
#WorldMaritimeDay #portofvarna #varna International Maritime Organization - IMO
More than 5 million tons of cargo have passed through the berths of Varna East and Varna West port terminals since the beginning of 2022
More than 5 million tons of cargo have passed through the berths of Varna East and Varna West port terminals since the beginning of 2022
More than 5 million tons of cargo have passed through the berths of Varna East and Varna West port terminals since the beginning of 2022
The cargo throughput made to date by the port terminals operated by Port of Varna EAD is 5.023 million tons.
This figure is a fact before the start of the grain campaign, which should be noted as an indicator for stable growth of port traffic on an annual basis. So far, the Port has handled 33% more cargo than the previous year, and the increase at Varna East port terminal is 150%.
The grain traffic handled at both terminals since the beginning of the year is around 1 million tons. The port’s storage facilities are operating at full capacity, and it is becoming necessary to seek possibilities for urgent investments in storage infrastructure in 3 phases: up to 1 year, up to 2 years and up to 3 years, so that the terminal storage capacity should be increased by 120,000 cubic metres. The anticipated effect for the Port would be a growth of port traffic by over 1 million tons in total. At the moment, there is also increase in volumes of handled energy resources (coal, coke), and some difficulties are experienced in storage of these goods because of the slow shipment and delivery process.
In order to satisfy the customers’ demands and to ensure proper handling rates, the company is enhancing its human resources in port operations departments. At the same time, the administrative structures are optimized, and purchasing procedures are in place for various types of cargo handling equipment in order to complement and replace the existing equipment.
The port management is in constant contact and discussions with customers, trade unions and employees in order to be adequately informed about various cases, as a part of the working process and in connection with optimizing the operations, raising the quality of the offered services and implementing the business and social policies of the company.