Safe Labour


project № BG051PO001-2.2.03-0479-C0001 

 This project has been implemented with the financial support of  the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”, co-financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union


Since 1 October 2013, implementation has started of Agreement No. ESF-2303-03-02002, Grant No. BG051PO001-2.3.03 “Safe Labour”, under the Project No. BG051PO001-2.3.03-0479-C0001 “Improved working conditions at Port of Varna EAD”.

The project proposal of Port of Varna EAD is aiming at improving the working conditions at the company and improving the occupational and health status of the workforce, which corresponds to the objective of priority axis 2 (Raising the productivity and adaptability of the employed persons). This project focuses particularly on the area of intervention 2.3: Improving of working conditions at the workplace.

Participation in this project will enable the company to provide improved and higher-quality working / special clothing and personal protection and will contribute to keeping the high level of safety and health protection of workers which has been achieved so far. This will ensure that the company will continue the efforts for the welfare of the employees and for providing the best possible safe working conditions.

The goal to improve the working conditions at Port of Varna will be achieved through applying and keeping the standards and requirements of the occupational safety and health legislation, and by improving the organization of labour and modernization of equipment with a view to ensure health and safety at work.

The target group includes all 1550 employees of Port of Varna EAD, and certain groups will benefit from the various activities under the project which finally will result in improving of working conditions and of safety and health at work.

Maximum total amount of the project: 223,065.02 Levs

Duration of the project: 12 months